The Lonely Girl Diaries

All's Well That Ends Well is something I've read somewhere (I don't recall where, but I know it's from Shakespeare) and, according to Merriam-Webster, it means "that a person can forget about how unpleasant or difficult something was because everything ended in a good way".

2023 was a weird year. A lot of bad and unpleasant things happened. I don't know how I've survived with so many suicidal thoughts throughout the year. I desperately wanted to end it all so many times.

Life was a turmoil... but things turned out to be fine!

Lost friends... and they came back to my life unexpectedly! We still talk from time to time.

Dated people, jumped into relationships, none of them "worked"... but we're still friends!

I'm still friends with the boy who caused me a borderline crisis. He's well and dating a boy and I'm so happy about it.

My parents divorced, my mom got so depressive about it... yet she found herself in an ancient indigenous religion that makes her so happy. She's finding her way onto life, turning her loneliness onto solitude.

Working with tech this year was a mess due to burnout and layoffs, had the worst professional feedback in my whole life... yet I've engaged in interesting projects and people are fond of my contributions.

Got a new job, my performance during the interview was outstanding!

Made some great experiments, made my own lab, met new people, put myself out there, transitioned, I feel happy with myself and with how I look.

And now I have a girlfriend who's so cute and awesome and great. She's amazing and I'm so happy she unexpectedly jumped into my life.

All's well that ends well. Life was a turmoil, and yet things turned out to be just fine and I'm so happy, and the most important persons in my life are finding happiness and meaning in their own ways.

I'm happy, and that's what's important :)